Saturday, April 2, 2011

Understanding Comics

Within the work, Understanding Comics, the author Scott McCloud breaks down the artistic style of story telling with images so that the reader can fully understand the beauty that surrounds the art. Within chapter one we find that "comics" have existed for a vast period amongst earth and are not simply a more modern imagination. McCloud argues that the consistency of comics throughout time means that this style of art is greatly related to the inner artistic talents of human beings. In a sense hen is saying that comics are one with humans.

Within chapter two, McCloud begins to unravel the inner working of more modern day comics. We learn of the "Icon" and his/her primary function. The Icon is the figure within the comic whom the public should come to relate to. We learn that the more specific a character's image and even persona is, the less the public will be able to relate to the individual. An icon is suppose to allow the reader to be able to placce himself within that characters shoes. By drawing out lines af relativity between the reader and icon, an empathic approache is taken and the reader will be drawn into the art.

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