Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Beaking News

I took it upon myself to solve this mystery, and to my dismay the prankster left a bread crumb trail of clues. After collecting a news paper of each of the old issues that were replaced with the newer issues, I spent hours cross referencing between the issues to see if there was more to the prank (Oh ya, a Beautiful Mind status). Why would I do this? Come on this is UCSB, a university full of an array of diverse students who are both intellectual and creative so there must be more to the prank. I was convinced there must be more to this elaborate array and so I fallowed along in my own bunching of hunts and clues. Low and behold this speculation led me on this long and torturous hunt but it indeed payed off. To my dismay I found what became to be an elaborate palm scheme of politics, bribes and lies broth on by the collaboration of both the The Bottom Line and the Daily Nexus.

Think about it long and hard, why else would the daily nexus be making such a huge deal about such a small prank unless that news paper article had more value than its previous predecessors. We know that the Nexus is all for fun and games when they themselves had already planned to create an April full’s joke within their esteemed paper, so why be royally upset with this one? Unless, the Nexus had conceived some hidden message within this particular paper; a subliminal message to manipulate the minds of the University Students who loyally read the paper of their own beloved institute. Yet, sadly I fear the repercussions to unveiling this conspiracy further so I leave whoever may be reading this entry with one final note: be careful with what you read and choose to believe.

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