Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Assignment "Breaking News"

Reality or truth is definitely a necessity in media but I do believe that at times it is best to omit certain facts. You may say that this is a form of lying to the public and it may so be but why worry people when they don't need to be. Some aspects that occur can be kept in the dark so that the general public not only don't panic but also don't stress about the occurrence. In contrast there are certain things that everyone needs to know, such as the meaning to the wars our countries enter. Its a matter of judgement that I feel I may not have the right to define the fine line.

So I wrote 300 words about a conspiracy theory between the Daily Nexus and The Bottom Line. I do hope it doesn't get me in trouble but I ended it in a way that hints to the reply being a prank itself. The majority of my post is fake with like two to three statements of truth. I felt like this was a creative way to express ourselves while learning an art technique especially since it created a great deal of leeway. I will say that while submitting the post I could not get it to work when I included my blog website so I submitted it without it. After a little more than a week, there were no replies to my post.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I think the URLs were canceling out the posts! We discovered the nexus filtration system!! Beyond the assignment, how do you reflect on Truth and Fiction in politics, news, media, tabloids, etc??
