Thursday, April 28, 2011


One of the most influential artist I've had the pleasure of witnessing some of his work is Pablo Picasso. My favorite painting of his is Las Meninas. As you can see it is the image to my blogspot background (and if you didn't know that then now you know). This painting is particular captivating because it captures a life like essence. In a sense, it follows Xie He's "Six Laws" which basically some up a technique or style of creating life to a still image. If you go from right to left, then you see a transition of abstract to realism but at the same time the abstract still retains realism while the realism still maintains abstract lines and shapes. The human like figures all have a central focus point. This central focus point is a white rectangular square which resembles a doorway. The doorway gives the characters breath, or motion because it creates the illusion that the characters are all traveling to this open space and exit the painting. The colors used within the painting clash well together, the entire painting has a blend of blue, black and white. Pablo Picasso has a unique style and therefore he is currently one of my favorite artist.

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