Sunday, April 10, 2011

Stacks of Obits

Faculty Photo
"Stack of Obits," a performance by Stephanie Batiste.

The following is a list of thoughts and emotions jotted down while watching the 15min performance.

                     A writer and Instructor who knows no bounds
                     Actual deaths of people, known to the author or the family of the author
                     The drastic inequities that life offers in a certain amount of space
                     In the performance it closes the emotional gaps that exist
                     Attempts to collapse the distance between performance and experience
                     High level of empathy with a refusal of catharsis
                     Important to avoid melodrama
                     There is a need to give an understanding of the violence without alienating the viewer
                     A story about a normative family situated in a web of violence
                     Piece is a kind of intervention against media caused numbing towards the subject

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