Saturday, May 14, 2011

LA Galaxy vs. NY Red Bulls

This is the one game out of Galaxy's season that I've been anticipating. How exciting the game was, especially for being two MLS teams. Landon Donovan and David Beckham against Tierry Henry and Raffa Marcus. It was well worth my money. The stands were packed and best of all, what seemed to be some die hard fans. Usually Galaxy games are preatty relaxed but on todays game, the stands were nuts, and I absolutely loved it.
Unfortionately the game ended in a draw but atleast its better than a loss. For the most part Galaxy was fighting just to tie the game but once they did it was all them from that point on. I still can't beleive Donovan missed what seemed to be a open net and forsure goal, but then again I have to give props to the defender for hustly back and stopping the goal. These atleaths must be in a hell of a good shape to maintain the top speads throughout the entirety of the game. Having played soccer for a good part of my life, I should know how difficult it is. Not to mention, they do it at a higher level of play.  If your not a fan of the game, then atleast consider this to be a beautiful part and all in all make the event an artist experience.

One last shout out: "Good Shit Rickets"

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