Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Alternate Persona: Tuesday Presentation

My favorite presentation on Tuesday would prob have been the bro on a count of I felt like she actually spent the time really attempting to be one of the guys. The documentation was well done and it even acted sort of as a documentary into the lives of that fraternity, although I'm sure it didn't capture everything they do and contribute to society. Following as a close second or possibly even a tie, I think the human hunter girl was a well done presentation of an interesting persona. The documentation was fun while at the same time capturing the point of the art assignment. I think the Australian accent she attempted to maintain busted the performance because it played along with our stereo type of what safari explorers or hunters would sound like.

My least favorite presentation would have been on the leisure guy who was naked under his robe. The idea was excellent but the presentation was a bit week mainly because all his pictures where of him in what seemed to be secluded areas. If he had shown some of him casually strolling through society then it would have definitely boosted the presentation.

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