Thursday, March 31, 2011


Upon pondering what simple matters I take for granted, I came to the realization that I under appreciate my vision. Every morning I wake up to a blurry world and it isn't until I pop on my glasses that I can finally see. The other night I was frantically looking for my glasses when I stumbled upon the realization that I had them on. Why u say I didn't realize they were already on since I had clear vision? How?, simply because I've become so familiar with automatically wearing my lenses from the moment I awake that I've come to take advantage of them.

If I did not have any glasses then my world would suck; suck hard. I wouldn't be able to see others of afar. Truthfully it would be awkward seeing someone from afar waving because it might be directed towards me, and if I wave but its not for me then I look like a full. Sadly my ego cant keep taking blows like that. the worst part of not having any eye wear would definitely be the headaches. the constant blurs and forced sight would create some killer head aches.

Theres definately more simple items in my life I take advantage of or under appreciate, but the truthful matter is that it's gonna continue to happen. Chances are that within a short time I'll forget of my glasses again. The point here is not that I'm simplistic but rather that I am thankfull for the little things and do appreciate them. Later

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